Traditional way of developing laws and regulations cannot keep up with rapid changes in digital technology, says UAE Minister
Her Excellency Ohood Khalfan Al Roumi, UAE Minister of State for Government Development and the Future, said today at the Dubai Future Forum, that governments must adopt innovative new approaches to developing legislative and regulatory frameworks to empower human development. HE Al Roumi’s comments came during a keynote session titled ‘How Can Governments Regulate Future Trends and Technologies?’
Her Excellency said: “Throughout history, developing and implementing legislative frameworks was the main mission of governments. Today, due to the fast-paced transformations taking place around the globe, the role of governments has become more prominent than ever. Either the legislative framework adapts to become more agile and an enabler for change, or it remains as is and becomes a barrier to development.”

“The UAE’s leadership realizes the importance of developing the legislative environment to anticipate the challenges and requirements of the future,” she said. “The government recently accomplished its biggest milestone in its legislative transformation journey. Last year, the UAE assembled 500 legal experts from 50 federal and local government organizations, and more than 100 private sector companies, to work on comprehensive changes of more than 40 laws, covering new areas such as digital signatures, data protection, copyright, and cybercrime.” said HE Al Roumi
The Minister of State for Governmental described how the World Government Summit acts as an effective platform to enhance meaningful cooperation for future industries. HE added: “Governments should focus on developing their employees’ digital mindset, while simultaneously rebuilding their future skills, to ensure that they are equipped to face the changes that are taking place in the digital world.”